
“Do You Remember When?”

(Ohio Gospel Stories & Words of Wisdom)

We pray this section will be encouraging as we provide stories regarding Ohio gospel artists along with words of wisdom.


Several years ago, while at the NQC, Dan Keeton handed out around 100 promotional CDs.  His efforts seemed fruitless until he received an email from a man who worked as custodian at Freedom Hall.  The man indicated he was cleaning behind the dumpster and found one of Dan’s CDs.  Cleaning it off, he then listened.  One of the songs touched him so much that he attended church the next Sunday and both he and his brother walked down the aisle and saved.  (Information from Singing News Magazine, July-2020)


The Washington Monument stands as a lofty and inspiring tribute to our first president, George Washington.  Few people know that engraved on the metal cap to the monument, towering 555 feet above the ground are the words, “Praise be to God.”   In addition, several tribute blocks line the staircase, and they are inscribed with Bible verses:  “Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not; for such is the Kingdom of God (Luke 18:16),” “Search the Scriptures (John 5:39; Acts 17:11),” and “Holiness unto the Lord (Exodus 28:36); 39:30; Zechariah 14:20).” 

Touring the Supreme Court building you will find:

* A seated Moses holding the two tablets of the law as the central figure of the east pediment on the exterior of the Supreme Court building.

* An image of the two tables of the Ten Commandments is engraved on the frame of the bronze gates separating the courtroom from the aisle.

* A marble frieze in the Chamber itself shows Moses holding a copy of the tablets on which the Ten Commandments are written.

* Two allegorical figures, representing “The Power of Government” and “The Majesty of Government,” stand beside a carved flat-faced tablet with two rows of Roman numerals, I-V and VI-X, an obvious rendering of the Ten Commandments.

* Carved into the bottom panel of the oak doors separating the courtroom from the hallway of the Supreme Court building is a rendering of the Ten Commandments.

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